Thursday, January 3, 2013

The discipline to get marketing

As a self-employed consultant there are the occasional days (or weeks, if I'm honest) when the phone doesn't ring or the e-mail doesn't arrive. When you have no clients to service, the temptation is to think 'woe is me' and do nothing.
Each time this has happened, I've focused on ramping up my marketing. This might be as simple as going back through my business e-mails for the past few months and see if I've missed an opportunity or need to follow up on an enquiry. It might mean writing another of my regular newsletters or looking at what needs to be updated on my web site.
Each time I have done this it has produced new business. So whilst it's not the natural thing to do when business is quiet, so far I've proved that it works.
Why not give it a go?

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