Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just the cat and me

It's always me that goes away. Whether its work working interstate or overseas, I'm the one who says goodbye and leaves the family (and the cat) at home.
This time its my turn to stay at home and with the boys grown and living with their own families (close by, so that's good) it's just me and Smudge.
Janine is in Cambodia with a team of 14 from our local church. I have traveled twice with them to Cambodia and been there three other times with our organisations - video camera in hand on each occasion. (Check out one result here.)
One good thing is that I know each of the places the team is going and have some understanding of what Janine will experience.
This weekend is four days of official mourning for the King who died in October and is to be cremated on Monday. Apparently four million people are expected to attend the outdoor event.
The mind boggles at so many people. The team will also visit a range of projects which we support from our church.
In my experience, the team will come away feeling like they have been helped and ministered to, rather than them coming from Australia to help the Cambodians. Such trips are more about awareness raising amongst the team of the huge need the country has. Despite its history, the people are wonderful and can teach us so much - which is cliche, but true.
Once Janine is home, we can share stories and who know what that might lead to.

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