Saturday, January 12, 2013

Managing first world problems ...

You've probably seen the Youtube videos that highlight what is called 'First world problems'. Like the one with the young man from Africa standing outside a hut in his village complaining that he only has one wireless router in his house. Or the young teenager in rural Cambodia complaining that her brother always steals her iPhone charger. They certainly bring what we see as problems into perspective.
But here are a couple of suggestions from this baby-boomer for those trying to manage first world problems in the first world:
  • Your smartphone runs off a battery which will need charging. Develop a daily charging routine so that 'sorry, my phone died' is never an excuse to not ring your family.
  • Wearing large headphones that cover half of each side of your head is just plain silly. Unless you're driving a tank in the middle of a war, or recording your latest hit single in the studio, that is.
  • Walking or running along a beach esplanade with ear buds (or large headphones on) means you're missing out on the sounds of the beach. The sounds of the waves, people enjoying themselves is what the beach is all about. Unplug and listen ...
  • It is impossible to type accurately and quickly on a smartphone virtual key board, so when you're in the presence of your baby-boomer family members, don't pretend you can. It's annoying for us 'large fingered' baby-boomers who can't.
  • Ring or text if your running late or not coming - simple.
OK - I feel better now.

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