Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bad video lets down your web site ... badly!

The world-wide viewing stats of on-line video continue to go through the roof.  Up from 1 billion per annum in April 2011 to 2 billion in April, 2012. (Ref:
More people are watching more videos for longer. As someone in the business of making videos, these are good figures and show a growing industry.
But if you're going to use video on your web site, make sure it's well done. You may not want to engage Martin Johnson Communications, but you do need to make sure your video doesn't have any of the following too common errors.
  1. Poor sound. This is my number one complaint about videos on business web sites. Here's a secret not many people know - the inbuilt microphone on your video camera is there purely for decoration. Don't use it! Get yourself a good quality mic - Rodes make some great ones.
  2. Bad lighting. The old saying "film the subject with the sun behind you" is worth repeating. Put your subject in good, even light and video them there. Don't put them against a bright wall (or any wall for that matter). 
  3. Keep the camera still. Wobble cam might look funky but it says 'bad video' and its annoying to watch, especially on a business web site.
Bad video on your business web site says one thing very loudly. We don't care enough to do this properly.  Hence, we don't care!

Need some help? Get in touch at

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