Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Toy Television - Why can't newspapers do better with their on line videos?

Everyone knows that the line between newspapers and television is blurring - especially when it comes to the delivery of news.
The Sydney Morning Herald web site has a video segment on most of their stories. Sometimes its a lift from a TV station's news service, sometimes it's something they've shot themselves. Invariably the stuff they shoot themselves is pretty poorly done. Take this example. In the first still frame, three of their IT guys discuss the pluses and minuses of the iPhone 4.0. Good idea and what they say makes sense. (Click here)
Sadly the way it was shot does not. Intercut with this clean, three shot (which is obviously chroma keyed) are cutaways (singles and two shots) without the chroma key - just the green cyc. You can see this in the second still frame. What were they thinking?
This is amateur television at its worst. Any experienced TV director or producer would have fixed this or not let it out on the 'Net. The problem is of course, they're print journalists and sadly the medium of television is still a mystery to them.