Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dealing with being rejected?

If you're thinking this post is about love or relationships, then you might be disappointed because I want to talk about being rejected in your work. Others are far more qualified to talk about rejection in relationships.
I mean when you get the phone call that says, "sorry, but we've decided to offer the position to someone else." Or that project that you thought you had a good chance of working on is offered to someone else?
Now I don't have all the answers, but here are some thoughts.
  1. When you're in the freelance consultancy business, they are no rules that say your clients have to keep contracting you, even if you maintain a good relationship with them.
  2. The worse thing you can do is to allow the feeling of rejection to fester and become something greater. I know this is hard not to do, but each time you start thinking along those lines, you need to force yourself to do something positive.
  3. Despite your sense of feeling rejected, if possible, make sure you continue to stay in touch.
  4. See if you can contribute in some other way to the project.
  5. Nothing lasts forever - there will be other projects and other clients.
  6. Rejoice with them when their project is completed, without muttering "I could have done that heaps better," (even if in your eyes, that's what you think.)
I've found the above steps very helpful.
What about you?

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