Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The disconnected 'connected' generation

We are the parents of one Gen X'er and with wives and partners, four Gen Y'ers. And although we're Baby Boomers, we as connected as our children - with one exception. Being brought up on the principle that it's always polite to return phone calls and answer letters, we're pretty good at answering e-mails, texts, facebook posts and even voice mail - their modern day equivalent.
Gen X and Y are supposed to be the 'connected generation'. You know, with an iPod in one ear, left hand sending texts and the right hand answering e-mail on the laptop or iPad.
Trouble is, despite all this connectedness, trying to get them to answer simple questions like, "are you home for dinner?" or, "can you both come to dinner in a week?" are met with nothing. Silence.
I reckon the connected generation is not as connected as everyone says or is that they're just not focused on planning ahead. Rather than commit to a dinner date with parents or parents-in-law (what could be better) they wait until the last minute - in case they get a better offer. (Maybe I could do better)
As frustrating as this is sometimes, we have just learnt to live with our disconnected ' connected' generation.

PS. We love them just the same. Hope they don't read this.

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