Monday, January 26, 2009

A shiny night in the world's most beautiful city

With apologies to my shivering north American friends, the attached pictures were taken last Thursday night as we sat waiting for the outdoor cinema on Sydney's Mrs Macquarie's Chair to begin. With a view to the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge and a reasonably priced take-away restaurant and bar nearby, we waiting with 1,800 other people to experience one of Sydney's great treats.

The movie was 'The Visitor' - the story of how a widower deals with finding two illegals living in his seldom visited New York apartment. It was a fabulous warm summers night and the combination of a great location, good movie and very edible food was a winner. J gave me the tickets for Christmas, so I had to take her of course - but it was a real treat. There's something about sitting outside with a great view of a great city while watching a movie at the same time that's compelling and relaxing at the same time - if that's possible.

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