Friday, May 27, 2011

talhotblond ...

No, I haven't started producing inappropriate videos - talhotblond is the name of an award winning documentary about an on-line love triangle which ends in murder. It's a superb piece of film making and the producer/director, Barbara Schroeder, has won a number of awards.
It's the true story of a 47 year-old man who pretends to be an 18 year-old marine in an on-line chat room with an 18 year-old girl. However, all is not what it seems and there are devastating consequences for all involved.
The documentary uses a narrative structure that includes interviews and the actual chat text over muted images. Having one of the main characters narrating his own story is used to chilling effect.
It raises all sorts of issues to do with on-line chats and the inability of the law to deal with what can happen when it all goes wrong.
It's on ABC iView for the next week or so and is well worth a look.

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