Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I'm sorry, I'm [not] out of the office ...

My inbox still seems to be full of 'Out of the Office' messages this week as my regular e-mails to my clients and contacts come back with this standardised reply.
I first came across this facility when we started using Outlook Exchange at a large not-for-profit organisation I worked for. The messages usually contain information about when the person will be  back and who to contact if the matter is important while the person is away.
I've decided not to use this option, which now seems to come with all e-mail programs including those in the Cloud.
Here are my three reasons;
  1. For me at least, in the connected world, my office is where I am - so I am always 'in'.
  2. Whilst there is a movement to 'unwind and disconnect completely', the reality (for me) is that this is just not going to work. I'd rather be connected - even if it is less so on holidays.
  3. I enjoy interacting with my contacts and clients and in my experience they all understand about Christmas and New Year and Easter and save their e-mails until the working week starts again. I suppose this is because I'm lucky enough for my clients to also be friends.

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